The commercial exchanges between Romania and Portugal are based on the “European accord instituting an association between Romania on the one hand and the European Communities and their state members on the other”, signed on the 1st of February 1993 and applied since the 1st of February 1995.
On 30th of June 2008, 303 mix Romanian-Portuguese companies with an invested capital of 74.95 million euros were registered in Romania. In 2007, fourteen cities from Romania and Portugal were declared twins, by the Europe for Citizens Programm: Pucioasa (Dambovita)- Cartaxo (Santarém), Targoviste (Dambovita)- Santarém, Moreni (Dambovita)- Torres Novas (Santarém), Vulcana-Pandele (Dambovita)- Atouguia, (Ourém), Aiud (Dambovita)- Ponte de Sor (Portalegre), Fieni (Dambovita)- Ferreira do Zêzere (Santarém), Sulina (Tulcea)- Mira Sintra (Sintra).